Product Overview
Self-closing stainless steel push door covers disposal opening. 1.9 gal. (7.2 L) stainless steel waste receptacle.
Recessed Sanitary Napkin Disposal shall have a waste capacity of 1.4 gal (5.4 liters) of dry/solids waste. Full face door shall
be fabricated of 18 gauge stainless steel alloy 18-8, type 304 and shall be attached to the cabinet body with a concealed 3/16"
diameter (Ø4.8mm) stainless steel multi-staked piano hinge and shall be held closed with a tumbler lock keyed alike to other
ASI washroom equipment. Body and push-door shall be 20 gauge stainless steel with no exposed fastening devices or spotwelded
seams. Push door shall be hung on a full width concealed 3/16" diameter (Ø4.8mm) stainless steel multi-staked piano
hinge and shall be held closed with a flat spring mounted in cabinet top and shall have the international graphic symbol for
waste on face. Waste receptacle shall be fabricated of stainless steel and shall have a handle for easy servicing and removal
and fully hemmed edges all around top opening for user and service safety. All exposed surfaces of unit shall have a No 4 satin
finish, and shall be protected during shipment by PVC film easily removable after installation.
Unit is mounted in wall recess with No 10 self-tapping screws (by others) through concealed mounting holes provided. Note
that top of rough wall opening is 3/4" (19mm) below top of unit.
Users push door to deposit waste material into receptacle. Push-door is self-closing. Empty refuse by removing waste
container and inverting over collection bag. Safety finger grip on waste container provides convenient grip for service.
Locked door prevents unauthorized access or removal.
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